Robin Reiter is the creator of the New York company Mommy Tummy, specialized in training mothers that are looking to get back in shape. Its services provides four different training plans with personalized visits, all schedule online.
Robin Reiter is the creator of the New York company Mommy Tummy, specialized in training mothers that are looking to get back in shape. Its services provides four different training plans with personalized visits, all schedule online.
Create a new website that allows an easy way of scheduling and explaining the company’s services. Also design a brand identity that merges a feminine touch with a stronger sport approach.
Brand identity / Logo design / Business cards / Poster design / HTML5 website responsive mobile capable / Interactive services slideshow / Online booking form / CMS / SEO
Launch Site“Back to your Best” main tagline is the best way of describing this project’s goal. Essentially, it illustrates a before and after, a contrast that had to be reflected in every aspect of the website and branding design.